How to improve your Liver - Live Healthy Life

Maintain a Normal Bilirubin Level

How to lower the bilirubin naturally? 

The elevated bilirubin speaks generally of a weak liver, so you should focus on trying to strengthen the liver and remove the excess of toxins and help the recovery of the liver by diet. 

Restoring Diet 

  • It is recommended to eat for two consecutive days only a fruit: pineapple, oranges or grapes (choose only one). Eat only these during the day, along with two liters of pure water dosed.
  • Then the third day, start to introduce foods gradually eliminating the following: sugar and refined flour, eggs, cow's milk and derivatives, red meat, processed food (junk), sausages and fried. Diet should be based on vegetables, whole grains, and vegetable milks and oils. 
  • Drinking two liters of water a day is essential to begin a process of purification of toxins and harmful fats. 
  • The tea should not miss in your diet. Tea or infusion of artichoke is excellent for purifying and strengthening the liver, as well as tea of ??milk thistle, dandelion, vervain, and more.
  • Avoid drinking alcohol, and try not to eat sweet drinks, or mixed fruit for lunch. This is very important because if you mix fruit or sugary food with food, they will ferment and produce alcohol, so even if you do not take alcohol, it is as if you did. 
  • Drink a glass of vegetable juice daily. The best is the aloe and carrot, or tomato, alfalfa and celery. 
  • Start the day drinking on an empty stomach one dandelion tea with the juice of a squeezed lemon. Drink warm, immediately after you have squeezed the lemon. 

Foods to Limit for a Healthy Liver

Limit your intake of foods high in unhealthy fat such as fried and fast food, and foods with added sugar such as soda, cakes and cookies. Getting high amounts of unhealthy fat and sugar in your diet may increase fat deposits and inflammation in your liver. The American Liver Foundation recommends you limit your intake of salt as well. Alcohol can also damage the liver, so women should have no more than one alcoholic drink a day and men no more than two.

Sample Meals

A healthy bilirubin lowering breakfast might include a bowl of high-fiber cereal -- look for cereal with more than 2 grams of fiber per serving -- with low-fat milk and half a grapefruit. For lunch, you might enjoy a chicken and veggie stir-fry -- add sliced sweet red peppers for lycopene -- with brown rice and a small apple. A healthy dinner option might include turkey meatballs with whole-wheat spaghetti and tomato sauce, mixed greens and steamed broccoli.

Other tips 

  • Lack of exercise causes many imbalances and disorders of the body including the liver malfunction. So try to exercise, because a sedentary lifestyle will not help your recovery. You must practice daily at least 20 minutes of walking, cycling or jogging. Yoga is very beneficial for the body in general. 
  • Try to rest properly, as any abuse of rest weakens the liver. 
Please read more here and here

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