What will happen if US Stop hiring H1B or High Skill Foreign Talent - Thousands of ISRO will be created

I always love to give my thought through example. Rocket Technology is considered as an advanced weapon technologies and US does not allow any company like Space X to hire any Non US Citizens.

What does it mean?

No high skills people from India or China or any other country can be hired through work visa like H1B.

Here is what Elon Mask has said -

Elon Mask is an South African immigrant and holds citizenship from three countries including USA

So Space Technology Industry completely used USA local American Talent only. But how many jobs it has created? How it has improved America's global competitiveness? Has it made any company profitable like Apple or Google or Micro Soft whose whole R&D depends on international talents!!!

The answer is absolutely no. On the contrary high skills international  talent from India or China on Space Technology  remained in their home country and out performed USA in many ways. It also reduced America's global competitiveness which will make it tough for company SpaceX  to be profitable.

Just yesterday Indian Space Research Organization (aka ISRO) lunched 104 Satellite  in a single mission flawlessly at a fraction of cost compared to what Space X or NASA would have spent. And most astonishing part of the mission is out of 104 Satellites 103 are from foreign countries and out 103 Satellites 96 are from USA!!!!!! Yes it is right USA firm's 96 satellites used ISRO to launch their Nano Satellites due huge cost advantage. NASA or Space X can not afford that in USA with such lower cost.

Space Technology Industry commercial market has potential to be $100 Trillion Dollar Market in next decade. They way Organization like ISRO in India is capitalizing it is low cost benefit, it is not only going to take India to next level in Space Technologies, also it is going create huge amount Job as more more country will use ISRO to launch their Satellite.

And what American Company like Space X will do? It might be first one to take some elite human to Mars. But will it be profitable? Will it create Jobs in USA? Will it generate more Tax revenue!!!

We all have been hearing the term cheap labor very frequently now a days!!! It has become a very common buzzword now that H1B has been misused to replace US Citizen with cheap labor.

We have to understand the term Cheap is very relative 

When a Task is given to the two person - Person A and Person B. If Person A can do the same task with less cost meeting same standard compared to person B, we consider Person A cheap compared to Person B.

Now think of Robots. We all know Automation & Robots are coming and they will replace all traditional trivial tasks. So today if H1Bs considered as cheap, tomorrow Robot's will be consider even cheaper and as Robots has non nationality whom do we blame!!!! :)

So we can not stop innovation. Humanity and world will move for betterment always. Nokia the mobile maker of 2006 lost the battle to American company like Apple and Google due to Innovation in Smart Phone Industry. Have we ever thought how many H1B or Foreign talents enabled an American company to beat Apple or Goole Cell Phone Market!!! Apple App Store has 2.2 million apps. How many of them created by US Citizen only!!!

Dr. Kaku has tried explain it here the same -

So American has to decide whether they want Space Technology Industry which will take few elites to Mars but will not contribute to core society by creating new Jobs and generate Tax revenue or they want more company like Micro Soft, Google or Apple which makes America proud and creates millions of Jobs directly or indirectly in USA.

To be continued ....

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