Quick C vs Java Refresher

Thing C Java
type of language function oriented object oriented
basic programming unit function class = ADT
portability of source code possible with discipline yes
portability of compiled code no, recompile for each architecture yes, bytecode is "write once, run anywhere"
security limited built-in to language
compilation gcc hello.c creates machine language code javac Hello.java creates Java virtual machine language bytecode
linking in the Math library gcc -lm calculate.c no special flags needed
joint compilation gcc main.c helper1.c helper2.c javac Main.java - any dependent files are automatically re-compiled if needed
execution a.out loads and executes program java Hello interprets byte code
hello, world #include<stdio.h>
int main(void) {
   return 0;
public class HelloWorld {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
integer types int usually 32 bit 2's complement;
long usually 32 bit 2's complement
int is 32 bit 2's complement;
long is 64 bit 2's complement
floating point types float usually 32 bit;
double usually 64 bit
float is 32 bit IEEE 754 binary floating point;
double is 64 bit IEEE 754
boolean type use int: 0 for false, nonzero for true boolean is its own type - stores value true or false
character type char is usually 8 bit ASCII char is 16 bit UNICODE
for loops for (i = 0; i < N; i++) for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
array declarations int *a = malloc(N * sizeof(*a)); int[] a = new int[N];
array size arrays don't know their own size a.length
strings '\0'-terminated character array built-in immutable String data type
accessing a library #include <stdio.h> import java.io.File;
accessing a library function #include "math.h"
x = sqrt(2.2);

all function and variables names are global
x = Math.sqrt(2.2);
functions have different namespaces
printing to standard output printf("sum = %d", x); System.out.println("sum = " + x);
formatted printing printf("avg = %3.2f", avg); System.out.printf("avg = %3.2f", avg)
reading from stdin scanf("%d", &x); Java library support, but easier to use our library
int x = StdIn.readInt();
memory address pointer reference
manipulating pointers *, &, + no direct manipulation permitted
functions int max(int a, int b) public static int max(int a, int b)
pass-by-value primitive data types, structs, and pointers are passed by value; array decays to pointer all primitive data types and references (which includes arrays), are passed by value
defining a data structure struct class - key difference is language support for defining methods to manipulate data
accessing a data structure a.numerator for elements a.numerator for instance variables,
c = a.plus(b) for methods
pointer chasing x->left->right x.left.right
allocating memory malloc new
de-allocating memory free automatic garbage collection
memory allocation of data structures and arrays heap, stack, data, or bss heap
buffer overflow segmentation fault, core dump, unpredicatable program checked run-time error exception
declaring constants const and #define final
variable auto-initialization not guaranteed instance variables (and array elements) initialized to 0, null, or false, compile-time error to access uninitialized variables
data hiding opaque pointers and static private
interface method non-static function public method
data type for generic item void * Object
casting anything goes checked exception at run-time or compile-time
demotions automatic, but might lose precision must explicitly cast, e.g., to convert from long to int
polymorphism union inheritence
overloading no yes for methods, no for operators
graphics use external libraries Java library support, use our standard drawing library
null NULL null
enumeration enum typesafe enum
preprocessor yes no
variable declaration at beginning of a block before you use it
variable naming conventions sum_of_squares sumOfSquares
commenting /* */ /* */ or //
file naming conventions stack.c, stack.h Stack.java - file name matches name of class
callbacks pointers to global functions use interfaces for commmand dispatching
variable number of arguments varargs String ...
assertions assert assert
exit and return value to OS exit(1) System.exit(1)

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