Don't just build Apps and build BoTs - Digital Strategy 2.0

Digital Strategy has become imperative for CIOs. When we talk about digital strategy Enterprise Mobility takes a great role here.

In general whenever company wants to have a digital strategy it tends a build a Mobile App offering.. And the App is just a counterpart of traditional Web offering. It provides the similar features as web. And it has been understood that having another channels like Mobile which will have lightweight features of web version will be enough to align with Digital Strategy. However in my opinion providing another Omni channel capability is not enough to Sales and penetrate more customer. The mobile app, passive sibling of Web version is will have limited adoption.  If we look below figure in general Organization thinks building a replica of Web Version App in Mobile Ecosystem is the right strategy and aligned to Digital Strategy

However the real power of the real power of Digital Strategy will be achieve when we will build BoTs (aka Robots) not just Apps. BoTs gives a new dimension to traditional Mobile Apps. If we look into usage pattern of Mobile Apps It’s getting harder to download, set up, manage and switch between so many apps on our mobile device. Most mobile users only use a handful of apps every day.

As an alternative, messaging apps are becoming the new platform which enable developers to build messaging bots to provide automated services through the messaging interface.

Messaging bots can read and write messages just like a human would. Bots can be programmed to carry out automated actions. Bots can both initiate action as well as respond to requests from other users. Bots are of different kinds, too; they automate conversations, transactions or workflows.
E-commerce bots enable buying of goods and services. Food bots order dinner. Content bots share relevant content with you (e.g., news, weather). Watcher bots notify you when specific events happen (e.g., your flight is delayed, this car needs servicing). Banking and trading bots provide financial services. Workflow bots automate business workflows in sales, HR, operations, admin, finance, etc. Chart bots summarize data in charts suitable for small screens. IoT bots connect us to our smart homes, cars and devices. Concierge bots provide a wide range of services implemented by other bots. And when all of these bots get to be too much, your Personal Assistant bot manages the communication with the other bots for you escalating only the high-priority requests for which you’ve trained it.

Bots de-clutter our mobile experience. Bots send us a message when we need to know or respond to something, but stay invisible otherwise. Bots reside in the cloud and upgrade themselves with new functionality — without any user action. Bots can interact with one other and can be chained together to perform a series of actions in sequence. Bots can supervise other bots, leading to bot hierarchies.

BoTs require an intelligent smart Mobile messaging platform  and formal messaging structure in Mobile ecosystem which enable BoT apps to automate their action.

Please refer this to learn more on Bots.

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