Give back the power to get More

I have been going through my exec management course where I am fortunate get this following video link on  what true leadership means. There is lot of confusion between leaders and managers. I believe now a days most organization wants leaderships skills from every one in the pyramid. Its not formal skill which can be given or assigner any body like Manager. Its a skill which see beyond self interest and think on overall growth. Leaders are always powerful whether its given to them formally or not. And true leader's power only increased as they give back the power to bottoms which in turn make the leader more powerful

The only time leaders use the power to help the team and bring them out of the crisis  and make team feels protected. Accept it or not, there are always enemies who will create obstacles. Potentially there are two types of enemies one internal and one external. External enemies are constant like competitors. They will be always there. There are also internal enemies within organizations which is variable. Its the true leadership skills which will be able to protect their teams using the power they got from internal enemies.

This is the reason WHY LEADERS EAT LAST in the Party

Please watch two Excellent Videos -

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